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followed by the first two bodog free video poker games books in the bodog free video poker games two months, bodog free video poker games me two weeks per book. I intend to read every chapter slowly and take notes.I will track my bankroll weekly using an Excel spreadsheet. In it, I will bodog free video poker games include a small diary where I list things I've learned bodog free video poker games week.In case this won't work:If I fail to make a profit at any specific level, I will continue there for as long as my bankroll allows - until I drop down to 25 buy-ins at the bodog free video poker games below it - and move down when it no longer does. If this eventually leads to me not being able to reach bodog free video poker games final goal, I will make a new plan once this is obvious."What Anna does with her plan is up to her. She can print it and place it on bodog free video poker games wall next to the computer, she could post it on the internet, or she could simply just keep it on a note somewhere. It is good, however, to write it down as that adds extra incentive for fulfilling it and will bodog free video poker games bodog free video poker games stay disciplined about bodog free video poker games she has set out to do.As you see, the plan doesn't.
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