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most popular video poker games casino

week playing / limit hold 'em" - not most popular video poker games casino basic problem with that is that poker is a gambling game - you're betting on an uncertain outcome in most popular video poker games casino hand that you enter most popular video poker games casino and so you're at the mercy of the deck. Superior skill will in its own time dictate the outcome, but hardly in a single week. In just one week.

to our advantage. Non-measurable goals I'd like to call "ambitions," which can be useful as well, but not act as milestones. Let most popular video poker games casino give a few examples:"I'm going to play 10,000 hands of no-limit most popular video poker games casino games this month" - this goal is measurable. Its success can be evaluated with a simple "yes" or "no" and reasons for failure to reach it should be more or less obvious. Therefore, corrective most popular video poker games casino is easy to most popular video poker games casino ("play more").I'm going to become better at Omaha" - this goal, while noble in its intent, is not going to serve as a very most popular video poker games casino milestone. most popular video poker games casino have no deadline, and you have no clear point at which you've reached your goal. This is most popular video poker games casino ambition, not a goal.These are good examples of a milestone and most popular video poker games casino ambition. There are, however, measurable goals in poker that are counterproductive, specifically goals which specify a certain amount of profit most popular video poker games casino a too-small of a sample. For instance:I want to win 00 this week playing most popular video poker games casino limit hold 'em" - not good.The basic problem with that is that poker is most popular video poker games casino gambling game.

but most people often fall victim to the FPS (Fancy Play Syndrome) where most popular video poker games casino so caught up in their attempts to trap that.

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