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bally games video poker

people that had to be shot at the table. bally games video poker bally games video poker a rule is broken, the bally games video poker suffers. If the host doesn't want to punish recidivist behavior, I have no problem being the asshole -- though I prefer the term 'sergeant-at-arms.'”Although I’m slightly more flexible than Charles, I have to side with him on every one of those.

trash-talking from different sports. The various poker shows like the "bad guys" because they get bally games video poker television ratings. bally games video poker delinquent behavior bally games video poker the pros trickles down the ranks into casinos, cardrooms, and homegames. bally games video poker It's a bally games video poker trend that will eventually get ugly.Most people today have bad manners, in general. Add a heavy consumption of alcohol and the intoxicating rush of gambling, and the dark side of a losing player often takes over and the person becomes bally games video poker complete jerk at the table. Being a jerk doesn't get bally games video poker kicked out of a casino, but it should. I have been appalled bally games video poker some of the verbal abuse spewed at other players and at dealers. Unfortunately, you can complain all you want to the manager. They'll ask you to ignore them. Meanwhile, the jerk gets a slap on the wrist. Cardrooms and casinos need to do a better job of bally games video poker table bullies, and institute stricter bally games video poker bally games video poker player etiquette.My friend Otis recently covered a poker.

one of them is diminishingly small. The rest of us - myself bally games video poker - have to work hard to.

Posted by: Gangster |
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  Arnold September 21, 2005, 5:12 am

  September 22, 2005, 5:18 am

  Coder September 29, 2005, 6:00 am
I have seen all Internet... Anything...

  October 12, 2005, 7:18 am

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